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The State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) has also been asked to hold live speeches of prominent persons on `Life and Values of Mahatma Gandhi’. “Also, there should be discussion on education in mother tongue and elocution competition on ‘non-violence is the need of the day’ and Quit India Movement,” it added. The students of Class 9 to 12 should be asked to gather knowledge of at least one handicraft,” the order said. It can be cleanliness, self-reliance, sincerity, speaking truth, neatness and tidiness, helping parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, neighbours or relatives. “For Class 6 to 8, they should be encouraged to do good work that benefits others. The students should be urged to carry out their work on their own to encourage them to be self-reliant,” the GR added. “For Class 1 to 5, there should be reciting of a favorite song or bhajan of Mahatma Gandhi and one act played by students dressed in attire of Mahatma Gandhi.

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Encourage participants to keep their house and adjoining place clean,” the order said. “All schools should worship the statue or photo of Mahatma Gandhi on the day along with reciting a prayer. According to the GR, management of schools of all language mediums should organise programmes with the participation of students, parents, elected representatives and prominent persons of various fields.

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